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Hello, and thank you for taking the time to come and have a look at the site, showing images that I've taken over the years.


I started off taking photos to help my own memory of places I visited, and then from there started taking photos to promote the various charities I work with.


After a while I developed my camera skills and found that I was taking photos that were quite good, so started putting a bit more effort in, which has lead to producing the types of photos that you will see on here.


I don't have a particular topic that I capture with the camera, I take photos of landscapes, architecture, sports, animals, people, and art primarily, but you will find others in mix.


I found that when I was away on longer travels I would start to write notes to help remember what I saw and how it felt, and this has developed into the writing of books, and I am very glad to say that I have now got one published book, 'A Luxurious Maiden Voyage on the MS Balmoral'


Through time I intend to keep updating the site with more photos, products and get more books written and out there so I can share my experiences.


I have a huge selection of photos, so if there is something in particular you want to see, which isn't here, get in touch and we can see what I have which suits what you are looking for.


Enjoy, and thank you.

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